Being good (for the sake of being good) is a sickness. Goodness is just a method of comparison used by the ego, it means little and you do it to make yourself feel better or superior. A delusion created by cleanliness is next to godliness is a fine example. There is no reason to be constantly bound by good or bad. Go about your businesses peacefully, and mindfully and with joy. Do your best. Just live and let go of the judgement system.
- The world is full of good people doing bad things.
- The world is full of bad people doing good things.
- The world is full of intelligent people doing daft things.
- The world is full of stupid people doing human things!
How much time are you willing to waste dedicated to a negative issue? or to someone else’s disapproval of you or your actions? The only things that will change your destiny is how you think and what you do – and this should be based on how you value yourself not by what others have to say. Your opinion on this subject matters. You have to dig down to find the detail and spend time to get to know yourself well.
Inner clarity of the details brings forth the beauty of who you really are.