About – Alfreton Photographer

My Story

I was literally shocked into photography at a very young age!

The doctors and nurses were amazed that I had survived the 240V shock to my tiny body that was witnessed by my family, seeing my two year old torso flying 8 ft across the living room into the french doors!

At that time, we were living in Cyprus and my father was a keen amateur photographer. On this particular occasion, he had left a photographer’s lamp plugged into the wall and being a naturally inquisitive individual (according to the tale) I thought it would be interesting to discover how the bulb worked – by sticking my little mitts into it. By all accounts, it worked very well! 🙂

Like most things in life, you learn the hard way. 🙂  I have still got the scar on my right thumb today to remind me of that important lesson.

My childhood was an amass of imagery – My father pursued his photographic interests with vigour and shot everything from Ancient Greek Cypriot Ruins, to our array of 16 kittens, flowers, forests, people, food, gatherings and parties, snakes, scores of lizards, insects and ants that would march their way into and out of the house by the shortest available route.

He used to shoot and develop in the old days from a box camera onto black and white film in his darkroom. He bore the scars too from a photographic accident which left him with acid burns on his legs – when once developing film in a caravan on vacation.

My childhood was surrounded by photographs (huge boxes of them) and no wonder that all these years later, I have come to share that same passion and love of photography.